"Sweethearts" (2024) is a fresh, coming-of-age romantic comedy that combines humor, heartfelt drama, and relatable themes of growing up. The story revolves around Harper (Kiernan Shipka) and Gavin (Nico Hiraga), lifelong best friends who are navigating their first semester of college. Though geographically apart, their bond remains as strong as ever. During their Thanksgiving return to their suburban hometown, they decide to tackle unfinished business from high school—breaking up with their lingering romantic partners.
The duo plans this for "Drunksgiving," a wild annual night of local revelry that leads to unexpected chaos. Through misadventures, awkward confrontations, and revelations, Harper and Gavin not only confront their romantic pasts but also reevaluate their own deeply interdependent friendship. The film expertly captures the blend of youthful spontaneity and emotional depth, reflecting the messy yet transformative period of transitioning into adulthood.
Written and directed by Jordan Weiss, the movie offers sharp dialogue, laugh-out-loud moments, and tender insights into relationships. Supported by a dynamic cast, the narrative explores themes of identity, love, and the bittersweet nature of growing apart from old versions of oneself. "Sweethearts" is slated for release on Max on November 28, 2024, just in time for audiences seeking a warm yet entertaining holiday.
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